Saturday, June 12, 2010

Debbie Walther to Get Beaded

Please join me for my

Wood Badge Beading Ceremony

Date: Monday, June 21, 2010

Location: Zion Lutheran Church

615 Main Street, Cobleskill

Time: 7:00 pm

Please join us as we celebrate a Court of Honor for Troop 5, Cobleskill. The Beading Ceremony will be at the end of the Court of Honor. Refreshments will be provided following the ceremony.


Directions from Albany: I-88 West to Cobleskill, exit 22. Turn right at bottom of off-ramp and take a left at the light onto Route 7 West. Zion Lutheran Church is located at 615 Main Street. It will be on the right and across from the Cobleskill Fire Department. The Court of Honor will be held in the basement, the entrance is on the left of the main staircase at ground level.

Directions from Oneonta: I-88 East to Cobleskill, exit 21. Turn right at top of off-ramp, and then turn right onto Route 7 East. Zion Lutheran Church is located at 615 Main Street. It will be on the left and across from the Cobleskill Fire Department. The Court of Honor will be held in the basement, the entrance is on the left of the main staircase at ground level.

Please call me, Debbie Walther, if you have any questions at

518-234-4152. I hope to see you there.

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