Saturday, February 13, 2010

Frappings of Life Minute

Required:2 poles
1 rope for lashing
a senior scout and a new scout
Preparation:Tell the senior scout that you are going to ask him to use a square lashing to hold to poles together so he is prepared.
Script:I've asked [Eagle] and [Tenderfoot] to help me out for a minute. [Eagle] would you please start a square lashing on these poles?

Now, those wrappings look very good to me. They hold the poles close together and lay them out in the right shape. I'm sure they'll hold the poles together just fine. But, stop for a second [Eagle].
[Tenderfoot] would you please wiggle those poles and see how tight the lashing is? Hmmm, the sure have a lot of loose play in them - not as good as they could be.
[Eagle], go ahead and add the frapping turns.
I was satisfied with the wrapping turns, but this extra effort of adding the frapping is making a difference. The entire lashing is getting tighter, stronger, and more secure.
[Tenderfoot], now give those poles a wiggle and see how they hold.
Not bad! That extra effort made a much better result. Some of the newer scouts may have thought the lashing was done after the wrapping turns and it was 'good enough'. But, whether in lashing or in life, don't forget the Frapping - that little extra effort that makes what you do the best you can make it.

-From the Boy Scout Trail website,

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