Created by Michael Fry and T Lewis in 1995, Over the Hedge takes a skewed look at suburban living from the perspective of the animals that lived there first. The panel on October 24, 2009 has Verne, the best-buddy turtle, reminding RJ as he wakes up that he volunteered to help the Scouts, apparently as a unwitting ringtailed "critter-cam." Oo...Right...the Bling!... the WB Scribbler appreciates the opportunity to feature critters of another sort on the blogsite. Oh, Happy [Suburban] Land! Together Verne, RJ, Hammy Squirrel and a slew of other woodland creatures fight to save their wooded wonderland from the evils of encroaching suburbia but end up becoming distracted by wide-screen TVs, discarded fast food containers and the fun of wreaking havoc on the local homeowners' association. Sorta like a Wood Badge Patrol I know...
--WB Scribbler